The King Who Stooped Low
In Phil. 2;5-8 we are commanded to "Have the mind of Christ." This mindset puts God first, others second, and me last. Self-will is at...

New Sunday Evening Services
Join us for Prayer, Praise and Worship on Sunday evenings beginning at 5:00!

Unity: Don't Take It For Granted!
In Philippians 2:1-4, Paul lays out what it takes for us to live in unity!

What Is Satan Up To?
In Philippians 1:27-30 Paul exhorts us to stand firm in one spirit and with one mind while our culture is more divided than ever! What is...

The Joy of Certain Death
In Philippians 1:19-26 we see Paul consumed with his commitment to Christ whether he is dead or alive. Paul declares "For to me to live...