Who Are We Imitating?
Paul declares in Phil. 3:17, "Imitate Me!" How are we to emulate Paul?

Pastor Appreciation Month
October is Pastor Appreciation Month!!

Men's Breakfast at Erika's Kitchen
The men are meeting for breakfast Saturday, Oct 16th at 9:00 AM at Erika's Kitchen in Payette. This is a No-Host breakfast, so order...

Pastor Steve's Ordination
We will be having Pastor Steve's Ordination service on Sunday, October 29th at 3:00.

Harvest Party
The Christian Education Board is hosting a Harvest Party on Saturday, October 21st from 1:00 - 3:00. Everyone is invited!

Do You Dare Look in the Mirror of Truth?
When confronted by Christ on the Damascus road, Paul accepted the truth of his pride and self-determination. What do we see in the mirror?...

The Stunning Resurrection Power of Christ
In Phil. 3:10-11 Paul writes that he desperately wants to experience the resurrection power of Christ in his life. What is this power...

The Rags I Mistook for Riches
In Phil. 3:4-9, Paul exclaims that all of my worldly pursuits are rubbish. Where is the focus of our lives?