God Moves in Us
In Esther 4:1-17, we learn that God moves us to remorse, God moves us to our fate, God moves us to seek Him.
Pride, Pushback and Purim
In Esther 3:1-8, we see the root of Anti-Semitism, the courage of resistance and how God can use you.
God Has His Reasons
In Esther 2:1-23, we see God is always behind the scenes, that we don't want to be God's people in hiding and God has a reason for you...
History with Pride and Prejudice
Beginning a study of the book of Esther, chapter 1:1-22 we start with the history of Esther. We learn that Pride produces problems a nd...
Bombs, Swords and The Bible
As we read Hebrews 4:12, we find that the Bible is more powerful than a nuclear warhead and that the Bible reveals dirt we might overlook.
Relationships and Warfare
Finishing out Ephesians chapter 6:1-24, we learn about reciprocal respect between parents and children as well as employers and...
Me Tarzan, You Jane
In Ephesians 5:22-33, we learn that God made husbands and wives to be one flesh. Wives preserve unity in marriage by submitting to...
Imitate God with Love, Purity and the Spirit
In Ephesians 5:1-21 we are to be an imitator not an idolator, be light and dispel darkness, as well as to be submissive.
Take Out the Trash
In Ephesians 4:1-32, we learn we are one body. We have spiritual gifts to grow the body and we are to repent of our old ways.
Jews and Gentiles: One in Christ, One Through the Church
In Ephesians 2:11-3:21, we discover that we are one in Christ. The Church is what God uses to reveal the gospel that unifies all and the...